Nepal Programme
- BGL Group
- British Gas
- Contact Energy
- Cocacola Amatil
- Esquire Coffee
- Fonterra
- GAC Group
- Marahau Sea Kayaks
- NZL Group
- Kajavala Forestry
- Port of Nelson
- Ports of Auckland
- Step Up Coaching
- Tainui Group Holdings
- The Warehouse
- TR Group NZ Ltd
- Waikato Tainui Lands Trust
- ...many more...
In - House and Private
- Ports of Auckland
- BGL Group
- British Gas
- Department of Building and Housing
- Fonterra
- Fraser Logging
- Goodman Fielder
- Kajavala Forestry
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Tainui Group and Waikato Lands Trust
- TR Group
- ...and many more...
Organisational Testimonials:
So many testimonials are available. Refer to Zoe Dryden LinkedIn profile or discuss the context of your enquiry and appropriate written or verbal testimonials will be provided. But most who have experienced this work have described it as "extraordinary", "exceeding all expectations" , "transformational", "a life time experience", "something they remain grateful to forever", "amazing", "one of the most memorable and impactful experiences of their lives".